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Author Topic: BotOrders  (Read 2918 times)


  • Guest
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:03:40 AM »

Readme.txt for the BotOrders Mutator.

Install:   Drop BotOrders.u and BotOrders.int into your UT/System folder.

This mutator will make the bots a bit less stupid at startup.
Particularly in Team Games.

Default bot orders are flawed for CTF and Assault.  Bots that are following
players or other bots turn around when their leader dies even if they are
almost at the Flag or Assault target.  Bots set at Freelancing for these
game types just seem extra stupid.  It is annoying to have to order the bots
to defend or attack every level change, and most of the people I see on my
servers don't even bother.

This mutator will set Bots as follows seconds after the start of the game:

For DM all bots get set for Freelancing.
For Assault all Attackers on attack, all Defenders defending.
For all other team games, there is a random 50% chance of a bot either
attacking or defending.  Depending upon the game type, defenders may default
to freelancing.  In Team DM, it doesnt seem to matter much, they do their thing
ok regardless, so I did not code specific settings for that gametype.

In gametypes such as Domination, bot orders will change in-game as dictated by
the mod, but there will be no leaders or followers.
(Unless you give the bots orders to do so...)

Note you can still order the bots to do whatever you wish in-game.   Just wait
a few seconds after level starts until the BotOrders mutator has updated
all the bot orders.   Press F1 right at the start of the match and you can
see the orders for the bots on your team change shortly after they get added.

For dedicated servers, just add "BotOrders.BotOrders" to your mutators= section
of your server line.  Runs server side only so no need to add to ServerPackages
section of the ini.

Source code included in the Classes folder so if you want to tweak this further
for other gametypes have at it.

Enjoy !

// ============================================================
//  (c) 2010 Mr.Loathsome aka Scott Armitage
// You MAY modify this code without written permission from
// the author. You are free to use and distribute this code,
// as long as there is no money charged for it.
// ============================================================