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Author Topic: Bytehacking AntiTweak  (Read 16786 times)


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Bytehacking AntiTweak
« on: March 21, 2011, 08:45:07 PM »

Quote from: HyPeR-X
Hello, as promissed to someone of D2 forums, I've bytehacked the AntiTweak anti-cheat for you. I've only done this for one version as I don't have all of them installed and tbh can't be arsed to waste my time on such a shitty anti-cheat.

I've changed three offsets in this file to make sure the checks don't occur no more. Here are the offsets which I've patched:

0x000013CE = 77 -> 7A (!= to ==)
0x000016B4 = 07 -> 06 (If to Goto)
0x00001916 = 07 -> 06 (If to Goto)

As you can see (And as I've posted on UAdmin.org before) it's very easy to disabled the checks done by AntiTweak.

This is just one of the methods which uses direct byte hacking, you could also change the string "Mutate AntiTweak Broadcast" to something like "f#%$ AntiTweak NoBroadcast", i've tested this and it worked as well

Attached is the AntiTweakv42.u file, thanks go out to the author who is a total f#%$ for not obfuscating any code.

- HyPz