Unreal Tournament > Mutators & modifications
Console Bonus Pack Maps (dreamCast/PS2)
Title : Console Bonus Pack
Version : 1
Date Completed : 14/07/08
Filename : Console Bonus Pack.zip
Author : Vetron (please see "Read Me" included with individual maps zip archives (in "Originals" folder) for original author credits)
Email Address : REMOVED
Description : This map pack includes nearly all of the maps from the console versions of UT99 for play on the PC. The console exclusive maps
never made it accross to the PC officially, but many authors over the years have converted one or two maps here n' there. This
pack is a collection of all the maps converted so far. Please check the "originals" folder for the original distributions of these
maps and for credits regarding the original author.
--- Play Information ---
Game : Unreal Tournament
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
New Levels : Yes
Known Bugs : None
Player Count : 2 to 8 (Varies Per Map)
Bot Support : Yes
--- Installation ---
Unzip the contens of the map folder into the UnrealTournament/Maps subdir.
--- Additional Notes ---
DM-Hood and DM-Coagulate were originally DOM maps. I'm working to convert these to the DOM gametype at a later date. There are still outstanding maps not
converted such as DM-CanyonFear, CTF-Stormfront, CTF-Sundial, CTF-Sepuichre, CFT-Spirito and DOM-Osiris. Anyone know of these maps being converted or want
to give it a shot then email me and I'll be happy to include in this pack.
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