AimTrainer v1.1
AimTrainer is a HUD mutator which can help people learn how and where to aim with any weapon.
Instructions :
The green targeting reticle is your primary fire and the yellow is your secondary fire.
If you see an X reticle, that particular fire has no aimed shot, cannot hit the target, or the weapon itself has confused the trainer (check out the secondary fire for PulseGun)
When you start getting good, decrease the size of the reticles - you'll be amazed at the improvement in your accuracy (if you weren't Thresh level before)!
New in this version :
- Fixed AimTrainer to work with v413.
- AimTrainer now requires version 413 or later.
- Now draws information of targets in their team color, with bots having a darkened team color for quick identification.
- Can now toggle displaying of info and targeting of friendly players
- Controls now setup as aliases and configurable through the mod menu.
Planned improvements :
- None.
Known Issues/Bugs :
The RocketLauncher grenade reticule is not accurate. This is due to the added Z component to the velocity of the grenade when it is fired. Nothing I can do about (besides, what are you doing trying to hit someone directly with a rocket grenade anyways? =).
If you find anything that's not listed up here (or a variation thereof), e-mail me so that I'm aware of it and can fix it.
Version History :
1.1 - 413 compatibility fixed, mod menu config window added, team differentiation added.
1.0 - Initial Release.
Installation :
Simply run the umod.
- or -
Unzip the contents of the zip file to your system directory.
Once you've done one of the above, edit your User.ini file by adding the following Aliases to the Aliases list :
Command="" Alias=
"Mutate AT_UseTrainer" AT_UseTrainer
"Mutate AT_ViewTargetStats" AT_ViewTargetStats
"Mutate AT_AimAtFriends" AT_AimAtFriends
"Mutate AT_LargerReticle" AT_LargerReticle
"Mutate AT_SmallerReticle" AT_SmallerReticle
Uninstallation :
Delete the AimTrainer.u and .int file, as well as the User.ini Aliases you added.
Questions? Comments? Death Threats? Send them to EMAIL REMOVED
Copyright (C) 2000 Martin "Pfhoenix" Actor