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Mutators & modifications / UTCach2
« on: September 07, 2016, 07:55:56 PM »
=========================================================    ---------------------
=UTCache˛ v 1.0   -   An inside UT Cache Manager        =    -Released 01/16/2003-
=========================================================    ---------------------

Created by FahrŽ (EMAIL REMOVED)
Notes: UTCache˛ was designed for Unreal Tournament version 436

Installation and Instructions:
- To install, simply run the .umod file.

What is this
UTCache˛ is an inside UT Cache Manager.
As you may know, when you connect to a server and download a level, texture, sound
or whatever, this file is placed in your UT Cache directory and is not accessible
for you from the game. This is especially nasty with certain maps and mutators, you
did download them once, you may want them for yourself or your cache gets cleared
and you have to redownload them. UTCache˛ solves all your problems!
As soon as you installed UTCache˛, a new item will appear under the 'Mod'-menu
inside UT. In here you will find an easy-to-use interface which shows you exactly
which files currently reside inside your cache. You can double click or drag all
the files you want permanently to the other list and hit the 'Process'-button.
It's as easy as that :)

Compacted List of Features
- A user friendly inside UT GUI
- Automatic placement of the files in the correct directory
- Complete cache control for the end user
- Extremely fast listing and moving, using a Native DLL

Known Bugs and Issues:     
- None still

Feel free to distribute this Umod. Do not distribute this file as anything else than a
Umod. I am not responsible for ANY and ALL undesired effects this mod may cause.

Found any bugs or got any ideas for a next version?

Mutators & modifications / AdvSetGUI_v0.1.5
« on: September 07, 2016, 07:51:23 PM »
Latest Version of the Video Render Modifier.

General Discussion / Are there any cheats that make you invincible?
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:21:44 AM »
Hi, I just installed TO, I was wondering if there are any hacks that make you invincible like my ""Super God"" command for UT?

Cheats / HelioS-Hook-v4.4-TO-UT99 For Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10
« on: May 20, 2016, 10:30:01 AM »
This cheat was originally uploaded in the General Descussion section by Anelok. This is a DLL version of HelioS-Hook-v4.4 that works on modern versions of the Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (Windows 7, 8/8.1 and 10). Will also work on old versions too (Windows XP SP1, SP2 and SP3). I'm not sure about Windows 95, 98 or 2000 as I don't own copies of 95, 98 or 2000, I only own copies of Windows XP and Windows 10.

      All hacks are coded native and don't need any extra uscripted files

        * 3D Player Radar
        * 2D Player Radar
        * 3D Grenade Radar
        * 3D Redeemer Radar
        * Auto Aim
        * Auto Fire
        * Triggerbot
        * WallHack
        * GlowHack
        * SkinHack
        * NoLighting
        * Warning System
        * AdminDisconnect
        * No Viewbob
        * No Recoil
        * No Smoke
        * No BlindTime
        * No Black Sniperscope
        * WinAmp Support
        * MassMurder
        * HealthBars
        * PingTracker

Cheats / Console Cheats vUT3
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:20:41 PM »
Unreal Tournament 3

Cheat Codes:

Cheat mode:
Press [F10] to display the console window, remove the "say" command,
then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function.

Result                          Code
All weapons and full ammo     - loaded 
God mode                      - god
Spawn indicated object        - summon [name] 
View frame rate               - stat fps 
All ten weapons               - allweapons
Full ammo for all ten weapons - allammo
Kills all enemies             - killbots
Flight mode                   - fly
No clipping mode              - ghost
Freeze AI movement            - playersonly
Set game speed                - slomo <number>
Disable flight                - walk
All playable characters       - unlockallchars
Cannot be pushed by others    - affectedbyhiteffects
Breathe underwater            - amphibious
Set gravity                   - setgravity <number>
Set movement speed            - setspeed <number>
Set maximum jump height       - setjumpz <number>
Teleport to crosshair         - teleport
Possess specified target      - avatar <name>
Spawn indocated weapon        - giveweapon <name>
Set player size               - changesize <number>
Spectate a bot                - viewbot
Toggle third person view      - behindview
Set field of vision           - fov <number>
Spawn specific bot            - addnamedbot <name>
Suicide                       - suicide

Demo Cheats:
Submitted by: Tonnie

Works with opening [TAB]

Code             Result
walk           - disable flight and no clipping mode
allweapons     - all weapons
allammo        - full ammo
god            - god mode
playersonly    - Freeze AI movement
fly            - flight mode
ghost          - no clipping mode
killbots       - kills all enemies
addbots        - extra bots
stat fps       - View frame rate
unlockallchars - unlock all characters
slomo [number] - Set game speed      

Object names:
Use one of the following entries with the summon code.

Object             Code
Cicada           - utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content 
Dark Walker      - utgamecontent.utvehicle_darkwalker_content 
Fury             - utgamecontent.utvehicle_fury_content 
Nemisis          - utgamecontent.utvehicle_nemesis 
Paladin          - utgamecontent.utvehicle_paladin 
Scavenger        - utgameContent.utvehicle_scavenger_content 
Slow Volume Cube - utgamecontent.utslowvolume_content

Unlock all characters:
Press [Tab] during a match and enter unlockallchars. A message stating
that a new character has been unlocked will appear . Go to "Settings",
then "Player", then "Edit Character" to select someone other than Malcom.

Beta Demo Cheats:
Insert the cheats listed on the left into the in-game console (which can be brought
up using the tilde [~] key). The cheat listed will then be activated. Please keep
in mind that these cheats are only guaranteed to work in the Beta Demo, and may
not work when the final product is released.

Cheat         Results
Allammo     - Refill ammunition to full
Fly         - Fly around
Ghost       - Walk through walls and other obstacles
God         - Invincibility
Loaded      - Unlocks all weapons with full ammunition
Playersonly - Freeze AI movement
Slomo #     - Enhance game speed (# = value)
Stat fps    - See active framerate
Walk        - Code to disable "Fly" or "Ghost"

Pre-order characters:
Click the "Unlock Character" button at the character selection screen
then enter one of the following codes to unlock the character.

Character            Code   
Alanna (Necris)   - phayder
Ariel (Iron Clad) - jadis

Beta Demo Vehicles:
Insert the cheats listed on the left into the in-game console (which can be brought
up using the tilde [~] key). The vehicle listed will then be unlocked. In front of
each cheat listed should be "summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_". After the name of the
vehicle, type in "_content". Hence, to unlock the Cicada, you will type in
"summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content" (minus the quotes).
Please keep in mind that these cheats are only guaranteed to work in the Beta Demo,
and may not work when the final product is released.

Cicada           - cicada
Dark Walker      - darkwalker
Fury             - fury
Nemesis          - nemesis
Paladin          - paladin
Scavenger        - scavenger
Slow Volume Cube - slowvolumecube

Summon Any Vehicle:
These cheat codes work when playing in campaign mode on either vehicle or non
vehicle maps, checking LAN will not matter, the codes will still work. Press F10
during gameplay and enter the below codes. Do not be alarmed when entering the
vehicle. It will say "HIJACKED" due to this being the opposing teams vehicles.

Hidden Iron Guard Male head:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before
proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "UTCustomChar.ini" file in the
"/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3/UTGame/Config/" directory. Locate the line for "Johnson" and
overwrite it with the following line:

Characters=(CharName="Johnson",Description="An ex-military soldier jumped into the Tournaments
after shell-shock and repressed trauma took too heavy a toll on his mind. He is competent, but

Unlockable Characters:
Akasha   -Eliminate Akasha in the final mission.
Damian   -Beat Chapter 4 in Campaign mode.
Kragoth  -Beat Chapter 4 in Campaign mode.
Lauren   -Select the second choice for all missions / Eliminate Lauren in Deathmatch in Chapter
          2 in Campaign mode.
Loque    -Play a Capture the Flag match in Chapter 5 in Campaign mode.
Malakai  -Beat Chapter 4 in Campaign mode.
Matrix   -Select the second choice for all missions / Eliminate Matrix in Deathmatch in Chapter
          3 in Campaign mode.
Scythe   -Select the second choice for all missions / Eliminate Scythe in Deathmatch in Chapter
          4 in Campaign mode.

All Bonus characters:
Submitted by: Arju

Bonus characters
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

Lauren: Always select the second choice for all missions. Kill Lauren in Deathmatch in Chapter
2 of Campaign mode. Lauren will eventually become unlocked after a subsequent Deathmatch in
that chapter.

Scythe: Always select the second choice for all missions. Kill Scythe in Deathmatch in Chapter
4 of Campaign mode. Scythe will eventually become unlocked after a subsequent Deathmatch in
that chapter.

Matrix: Always select the second choice for all missions. Kill Matrix in Deathmatch in Chapter
3 of Campaign mode. Matrix will become unlocked after a side mission in Chapter 3 in that chapter.

Akasha : Kill Akasha in the final mission.
Loque  : Unlocked after a Capture The Flag match in Chapter 5.
Damian : Unlocked in Chapter 4 of Campagin mode.
Kragoth: Unlocked in Chapter 4 of Campagin mode.
Malakai: Unlocked in Chapter 4 of Campagin mode.

All Object names:
Submitted by: Saidul
Update by:  Mazid

Object names
Use one of the following values with the "summon [name]" code:
Object            Code
Axon Cicada       utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content
Axon Goliath      utgamecontent.utvehicle_goliath_content
Axon Hellbender   utgamecontent.utvehicle_hellbender_content
Axon Leviathan    utgamecontent.utvehicle_leviathan_content
Axon Manta        utgamecontent.utvehicle_manta_content
Axon Paladin      utgamecontent.utvehicle_paladin_content
Axon Raptor       utgamecontent.utvehicle_raptor_content
Axon Scorpion     utgamecontent.utvehicle_scorpion_content
Axon SPMA         utgamecontent.utvehicle_spma_content
Nacris Darkwalker utgamecontent.utvehicle_darkwalker_content
Necris Fury       utgamecontent.utvehicle_fury_content
Necris Nemesis    utgamecontent.utvehicle_nemesis_content
Necris Nightshade utgamecontent.utvehicle_nightshade_content
Necris Scavenger  utgamecontent.utvehicle_scavenger_content
Necris Viper      utgamecontent.utvehicle_viper_content
Slow Volume Cube  utgamecontent.utslowvolume_content

This codes gives U per of this objects.

Cheats / Console Cheats v2003
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:19:17 PM »
Unreal Tournament 2003

Cheat Codes:

Press ` in game to bring down the console, or press
TAB for the quick console.
Then type one of the following commands:

Code                    Result
God                   - Toggle God Mode
Amphibious            - Underwater Breathing
Fly                   - Fly Mode
Ghost                 - Walk through walls
Walk                  - Return walking to normal
Invisible [bool]      - Turn inivisibility on or off (true / false)
Teleport              - Teleport to where your crosshair is pointing
AllAmmo               - Full ammo on all possessed weapons
Allweapons            - Give all weapons
Loaded                - Give all weapons and full amo on them (combo of
                        allammo and allweapons
SkipMatch             - Win the current match and advance on the ladder
JumpMatch [int]       - Jump to a specific match on the ladder, where
                        (int) is a number. For example 43 for ladder 4,
                        rung 3
ChangeSize [float]    - Change the player size by factor # (i.e. 0.25
                        or 2.0)
LockCamera            - Toggle locking the camera in its current position
FreeCamera [bool]     - Delink the camera rotation from the actor
ViewSelf [bool]       - Reset the camera to view the player (true to be
                        quiet, false to have sound)
ViewBot               - Cycle the camera through the viewable bots
ViewFlag              - View the actor current carrying the flag
ViewPlayer [string]   - Change the camera view to the given player
ViewActor [string]    - Change the camera view to the given actor
ViewClass [string]    - Change the camera view to the given class
KillViewedActor       - Kill the actor the camera is currently
                        viewing. Do NOT kill yourself!
Avatar [string]       - Possess a pawn of the given class
Summon [string]       - Summon the given object
SetCameraDist [float] - Set the distance the camera has from its target
SetGravity [float]    - Change gravitional pull
SetJumpZ [float]      - Change Jump height
SetSpeed [float]      - Mutiply the Player water and ground speed
                        with the given value
ListDynamicActors     - Output all dynamic actors to the log file
FreezeFrame [float]   - Pause the game for the given duration
SetFogR [float]       - Set red color component of fog
SetFogG [float]       - Set green color component of fog
SetFogB [float]       - Set blue color component of fog
SetFlash [float]      - Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade away
CauseEvent [string]   - Trigger the given event
LogSciptedSequences   - Toggle logging for all scripted sequences
KillPawns             - Kill all actor pawns except the player
KillAll [string]      - Kill everything of the given class,
                        i.e. KillAll Pawn
KillAllPawns [string] - Kill all pawns of the given class
PlayersOnly           - Toggle the level to a players only level
CheatView [string]    - Toggle to view to the given actor
WriteToLog            - Write the string 'NOW!' to the game log
ReviewJumpSpots [str] - Test jumping, the parameter can be '
                        Transloc', 'Jump', 'Combo' or 'LowGrav'

How to use the adrenaline:
Submitted by: Wilfredo Rojas

Three or four times up             - gives you Speed
Three or four times back           - gives increase your life
Two times up and two times back    - gives you Berserker
Two times right and two times left - make you invisible

Unlock All Skins:
Submitted by: arun prakash

Edit the file UT2003.ini (Located in your game system directory) with
notepad and add the following lines to the end


Speech Menu:
Do you hate when you are the only member of your team actually doing something?
Tired of your useless team just following you around doing nothing, while you
are doing everything? During a game where you have members on your team, press
V to open up the Speech Menu. In here, you can select various things to say to
your team, and they will actually respond to you and do what you say. So if you
want them to attack, they will. If you want them to defend, they will. If you
want them to capture the enemy flag, they will. The Menu has a lot of various
things in it, so try it out in a game or two and see which team commands you
could be using.

Regenerate Health and Shield:
When you have full adrenaline, press: Down, Down, Down, Down. Do this quickly.
By doing this, it will fill up your health to 199, and you shield to 100.

Cheats / Console Cheats v2004
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:17:41 PM »
Unreal Tournament 2004

Cheat Codes:

Press ~ or Tab during gameplay to display the console then enter
one of the following codes to activate the cheat:

Note: Cheats only work in single player bot matches.

Result                               Code
Enable cheats                      - enablecheats
Full ammunition                    - allammo
All weapons                        - loaded
Unlimited health                   - god
Flight mode                        - fly
Disable flight mode                - walk
Third person view                  - behindview 1
First person view                  - behindview 0
Walk through walls                 - ghost
Add indicated number of bots       - addbots
All weapons and maximum ammo       - loaded
All weapons and no ammo            - allweapons
Statistics for Audio               - stat audio
Change field of view               - fov <1-360>
Change player name                 - setname
Set screen resolution color depth  - setres xx (e.g. 1280x1024x32)
Change teams                       - switchteam
Suicide                            - suicide
Display stats                      - stat all
Hide stats                         - stat none
Display game stats                 - stat game
Display network stats              - stat net
Display framerate                  - stat fps
Exit game                          - quit or exit
Stop time for bots                 - playersonly
Kill bots                          - killbots
Toggle full screen and window mode - togglefullscreen
Teleport to Crosshairs             - teleport
Change map                         - open
Change gravity                     - setgravity
Change jump height                 - setjumpz
Change speed                       - setspeed
Set slow motion                    - slowmo
Spawn Redeemer                     - summon xweapons.redeemerpickup
Spawn Assault Rifle                - summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup
Spawn Avril                        - summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup
Spawn Bio Rifle                    - summon xweapons.bioriflepickup
Spawn Flak Cannon                  - summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup
Spawn Grenade Launcher             - summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup
Spawn Ion Painter                  - summon xweapons.painterpickup
Spawn Lightning Gun                - summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup
Spawn Link Gun                     - summon xweapons.linkgunpickup
Spawn Mine Layer                   - summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup
Spawn Minigun                      - summon xweapons.minigunpickup
Spawn Rocket Launcher              - summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup
Spawn Shield Gun                   - summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup
Spawn Shock Rifle                  - summon xweapons.shockriflepickup
Spawn Sniper Rifle                 - summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup
Spawn Goliath                      - summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank
Spawn Hellbender                   - summon Onslaught.ONSPRV
Spawn Instant Kill Shock R ifle    - summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup
Spawn Manta                        - summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike
Spawn Raptro                       - summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft
Spawn Scorpion                     - summon Onslaught.ONSRV
Spawn dragonfly bomber             - summon onslaughtfull.onsbomber
Spawn Elite Krall                  - summon skaarjpack.elitekrall
Spawn Fire Skaarj                  - summon skaarjpack.fireskaarj
Spawn Gasbag                       - summon skaarjpack.gasbag
Spawn Ice Skaarj                   - summon skaarjpack.iceskaarj
Spawn Krall                        - summon skaarjpack.krall
Spawn Manta                        - summon skaarjpack.manta
Spawn unequiped human              - summon skaarjpack.monster
Spawn Razorfly                     - summon skaarjpack.razorfly
Spawn normal Skaarj                - summon skaarjpack.skaarj
Spawn Skaarj Pupae                 - summon skaarjpack.skaarjpupae
Spawn mangled body                 - summon xeffects.tankvictim
Spawn Adrenaline                   - summon XPickups.AdrenalinePickup
Spawn Health Pack (25 health)      - summon XPickups.HealthPack
Spawn Vial Of Health (5 health)    - summon XPickups.MiniHealthPack
Spawn Shield Pack (50 armor)       - summon XPickups.ShieldPack
Spawn Super Health Pack            - summon XPickups.SuperHealthPack
Spawn Super Shield                 - summon XPickups.SuperShieldPack
Spawn Udamage                      - summon XPickups.UDamagePack
Spawn Shock Ball                   - summon xweapons.shockprojectile

Update by: Stefan

Code                                    Result
Suicide                               - you die
Playersonly                           - all bots, guns and bullets (not vehicles)
                                        freeze perfect as pause mode
Set input (button name) (cheat name)  - makes a button a cheat
Admin (cheat name)                    - makes an admin cheat
Admin kickbann (player name)          - kick and bann player
Addbot (number)                       - add that number of bots
Addnamedbot (character name)          - add specific bot
Current gametype (gametype name)      - change to gametype
Current map (map name)                - go to map

Submitted by: Juperdo

Summon weapon:
To summon a weapon, type summon xweapons.#pickup
If you want a redeemer, you type summon xweapons.redeemerpickup

The normal speed is set to 1. You can replace the number by anything.
(but don't make it to high, or else you will go way to fast to hit
anything at all)

The current jump hight is about 500.
So setting the number higher makes you jump higher, and setting the
number lower makes you jump lower. But again, if you make it higher
than 2000, you jump so high, you might hit the top of the level.

Submitted by: Juhos Norby

You receive adrenaline for killing enemies, collecting adrenaline
pills and other accomplishments. Once your adrenaline reaches 100,
you can start an adrenaline combo by using the correct movement key

Adrenaline combos with their effect:

These combos do not last forever, just until your adrenaline reaches
0. You can gain more adrenaline while you are already using an ability.
If you die while using an ability your adrenaline will go back to 0.

Killing levels:
Submitted by: Aritra Bhattacharjee

kill 2: double kill
kill 3: multi kill
kill 4: mega kill
kill 5: ultra kill
kill 6: monster kill
kill 7: wiked sick
kill 8 & above: HOLY SHIT

Speech Menu:
Do you hate when you are the only member of your team actually doing something?
Tired of your useless team just following you around doing nothing, while you
are doing everything?
During a game where you have members on your team, press V to open up the Speech
Menu. In here, you can select various things to say to your team, and they will
actually respond to you and do what you say. So if you want them to attack, they
will. If you want them to defend, they will. If you want them to capture the
enemy flag, they will. The Menu has a lot of various things in it, so try it out
in a game or two and see which team commands you could be using.

Secret Loading Screen:
When you load a map or movie, you will get 3 different loading screens. One of
Tamika and Aryss standing back-to-back, one of Cyclops with a Bio-Rifle, and one
of... something else. You can get a Xan loading screen. To get it, browse to
C:\UT2004 (or wherever your UT2K4 folder is) and enter the System folder. Browse
down to user.ini and make a backup of it. Then open it with Notepad. Now press
Ctrl+F to open the Find prompt. Search for the term "backgrounds". The first
result you get is what you want. Below the word backgrounds will be 4 lines,
each with a number at the end. It should like the following:


1-2-2-4. Notice a number missing? 3. Change the number at the end so it reads
1-2-3-4. 3 is the secret loading screen, one of Xan Kriegor that looks VERY
cool. You can change it around how you want, personally I deleted all the lines
but the 3rd loading screen, so I'll always get the Xan one. It's just so cool.

Bonus characters:
Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of them
before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "xplayersl1.upl" and
"xplayersl2.upl" files in the "system" folder in the game directory. These are
all of the characters that are available in the game. Find any character that
has a Menu= section that is not Menu="" and change it to Menu="" or Menu="SP"
(if you wanted to be able to play as them in single player). For example, Xan's
Character reads Menu="XAN". If you changed this to Menu="SP" or Menu="" he will
be unlocked. The three characters that are locked are Malcolm, ClanLord, and Xan.

Clan Lord:
Finish the game on any difficulty setting except for the one used to unlock Malcolm.

When you first start up the game, go to the settings panel and tick all the boxes
for Decals, Dynamic lighting, etc. under the display section. Then, set all the drop
down box options to the highest they will go. After setting the last one, you'll hear
a special message.

Secret Xan Loading Screen:
To unlock the secret Xan loading screen, go into you User.ini file in your System
folder. Then do a Ctrl + F search to find backgrounds. You should see four lines
with the same words except that two lines have the same number, 2. Change the lower
one so it reads 1, 2, 3, 4, and not 1, 2, 2, 4.

Xan, Malcolm, and ClanLord Without Beating the Game:
To play as any of these three secret characters without beating the game, simply go
to your ut2004 folder, open the system folder and open the file called 'user' with
notepad. Find the line 'Character=name of character', Then change your character
name to either Malcolm, Xan or Clanlord.

Slow motion and fast motion on online:
Submitted by: onlinepwner

Press Tab and type fixedfps 1000 for slow mo and fast motion is fixedfps 1 (NORMAL IS)
fixedfps 0

Submitted by: Jonathan


Have you ever wanted all the redeemer ammo inthe world but no on knows how to get the game
cheat for it?? I discovered this cheat myself and am revealing it to the world for apparently
the first time. I searched all over the internet for somthing of this calibre but could find
nothing that would get me infinite redeemer ammo. now, I will tell you just how you can get
it too!

we all know most of the cheats are entered through the command line by pressing TAB and the
typing the cheat. here is the cheat that will set the max ammo property of the redeemer.

set xweapons.redeemerammo maxammo ****

the "****" is whatever number u want. I prefer 9999 ammo in my redeemer. now, go blow your
friends to shreds!

Mutators & modifications / ACE Manager
« on: November 01, 2015, 10:09:26 AM »
This is a zip archive with all the ACE Managers inside.  The source to v1508 is in there too.

Mutators & modifications / MapvoteLA v13
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:34:01 AM »
MapvoteLA for UT99 by Cratos EMAIL REMOVED

What is MapVoteLA?
MapvoteLA is a Mapvote Mutator that allows the players to vote for the next map being played

Main Features:

- Voting for up to 1024 maps
- 4 Customizable Map Lists
- Up to 16 Custom gametypes where you can assign Prefixes, Mutators and Settings
- Filter system (supporting Wildcards) to implement detailed Maplist assignments (up to 4x48 Filters)
- Predefined Maplist if noone voted (return to default maps)
- Automatically mapswitch to a predefinded Maplist if server is empty for a certain time (return to default maps)
- Priority System for Maplists
- Re-Vote limit (avoidable for certain maplists)
- Kickvote to kick players
- Displaying a Clanlogo within the votemenu
- Support for Assault and LeagueAssault
- Automatic removal of crashed maps (to prevent them to be revoted)
- Mapplaycount report and Mapsequence report
- Detailed in-game Admin page for most of the configuration

Installation (Server)
1) copy the .u, .int and .ini files to the UT\System folder
2) add to the UnrealTournament.ini in section [Engine.GameEngine] the following entry


The configuration is done in the file MapVoteLA.ini
Most of the settings can be changed in-game too. If you log in as admin and open the Mapvote you will get an additional Admin Tab

In MapvoteLA13 the MutatorActorConfig[] has been removed and merged into the CustomGameConfig[].
Remove the MutatorActorConfig[] entries and start the server and do a servertravel. The CustomGameConfig[] settings should now
have been expanded and you can apply the Mutators there.

Starting up Mapvote
Fire up your server and choose "Map-Vote LA13" from the Mutator Tab

* to open the votemenu midgame use the following keybinding: "mutate bdbmapvote votemenu"
* to adjust settings in-game log in as admin and open the votemenu, you will get an additional admin tab for configuration ;)

FAQ: What settings do I need in MapVoteLA.ini?

1) Step 1: Loading Maps

   For default gametypes there are predefined keys to enable the maps:
   To load cusom gametypes, mutators and settomgs you can use up to 16 'CustomGameConfig's.
   Here some examples to load iDM, iCTF, iAS, RocketArena and Bunnytrack:
   * Mind: to distinct Maps with same name but different gametype/mutators/settings you have to change the prefix.
       E.g.: to load Deathmatch and Insta-Deathmatch just change the prefix of the Insta-Deathmach to 'iAS'
   * Custom Settings:
     You can use several custom settings by seperating them with a comma. E.g.: "FriendlyFireScale=1.0,Aircontrol=0.8"   
     IMPORTANT: If you use custom settings in the CustomGameConfigs you have to make sure those settings get reset to Default for all other maps:
     E.g.: DefaultSettings="FriendlyFireScale=0.0,AirControl=0.35"

3) Step 2: Assign the maps to a maplist

   Tell the mapvote in which list the maps should be displayed. Use the (up to 48 per list) 'List1FilterX[Y]' variables for this.
   You can use wildcards in the Filters. Some Examples:
   Loading all Assault maps into List 1:
   Loading AS-Asthenosphere, AS-Bridge and AS-Rook into list 3:
   Loading all iDM maps into List 4:
   Hint: If you have changed some prefixes you can/have to use the new prefixes in the Filters (like iDM for Insta)
   Hint: You can use Wildcards. E.g.: DM-A* or *castle*

Q: How do I add a clanlogo into mapvote (displayed in the middle of the Votewindow)?
A: LogoTexture=ClanLogoPackage.TextureName
   Make sure the Clanlogo is added to the Serverpackages aswell
Q: Can I use wildcards in the filter?
A: Yes you can. E.g.: List1Filter[0]=AS-B* will filter all AS maps that start with the letter 'B'

Q: What are all the other parameters for?
A: Try to find out yourself :P or just ask in the support forums: http://forums.utassault.net/forumdisplay.php?f=9

Version History:

* Enhanced: You can now apply Custom Settings to the Maplists/Gametypes. Switching e.g. FriendlyFireScale or Aircontrol is now possible
* Enhanced: No 256 maps limit per MapList any more. All 1024 maps can be put into one list if desired
* Enhanced: Filter Arrays increased from 32 to 48 per List
* Enhanced: Mutator configuration now merged into Gametype configuration. Custom Gametypes are now easier to configure in only one line
* Enhanced: Custom Gametypes can now be enabled/disabled via admin window
* Enhanced: The mapvote window doesn't open/interrupt the user any more if he is typing. It will open after you finished your typing
* Enhanced: Message Timout Slider is back
* Enhanced: If MapListIfNooneVoted is set to 0 the map will be chosen random out of all lists
* Enhanced: Improved maploading/filter algorithm. Maps that get filtered off do not count for the maplimit any more. So all 1024 map slots can be used for visible maps.
* Enhanced: New Parameter: 'bReloadMapsOnRequestOnly': If you have many maps or large filters the loading time will increase and the servertravel will take longer and longer. If you set bReloadMapsOnRequestOnly the maplist will get buffered into an ini. This will cut down the loading time to almost zero. The maplist only gets updated if you login to the admin page and click 'Reload maps' (recomended!)
* Enhanced: Added an ExcludeFilter[16] to remove special maps. This Filter can be enabled/disabled via admin menu
* Fixed: The Map-Screenshot preview now works on all custom prefixes
* Fixed: The 'who kicks who' feature now displays the correct playernames
* Fixed: Crashed maps list was ignored when filling maplist 1
* Fixed: An error that could cause a servercrash
* Fixed: MutatorActorConfig only executed the first matching line if found
* Fixed: Window autoopen didn't work when bKickVote was false
* Fixed: If noone voted sometimes the server got stuck (if repeatlimit was > 0)
* Fixed: No more accessed nones if the maplist overflows (>1024). It now logs detailed Errorlogs/Info
* Fixed: The 'RemoveCrashedMaps' feature didn't work for maps that were loaded from a custom game config
* Fixed: MultiCTF and Bunnytrack (CTFv5) should now work properly

* New configuration system: Up to 16 CustomGameConfigs and up to 16 MutatorActorConfigs
* Removed the old custom configuration vars (bOther, bOtherClass, PrefixSwap,....)
* BugFixes

* Configurable dynamic Mutators for Maptypes/Gametypes
* Configurable dynamic Serveractors for Maptypes/Gametypes
* Spectators/Admins can get a votemenu too (but not vote)
* Remove bExactFilter parameter. You can now use wildcards in the filter (*)
* Ability to disable kickvotes but still see the playerlist
* Show who kicks who (optional)
* Filling of maps is now more smooth
* Removed a bug where the last map loaded was not show in the List
* Showing who voted failed on ppl that opened their mapvote after others have voted: fixed
* Return to a predefined maplist if noone voted
* Ability to disable repeatlimit of certain Lists
* Bigger say button
* Better tracking of players leaving during vote: removing from list and tally votes
* Support more custom gametypes
* Optimized Network Replication (no more lag spikes if someone opens the votemenu midgame)

(c)2003/2004/2005 Cratos EMAILL REMOVED

Mutators & modifications / Nexgen Server Controller v1.1.2N
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:19:31 AM »
  D.SCHEERENS@GMAIL.COM /  edited by Letylove49


Nexgen is mod for dedicated Unreal Tournament servers to facilitate server
administration tasks. Rather than having the execute console commands or edit
configuration files, Nexgen allows server administrators to change settings and
perform actions in game via an user friendly interface. Nexgen also provides
several useful features that are commonly desired, such as spawn protection,
message logging and a ban system. The complete feature set is quite extensive
and can best be studied by looking at all the available options in the Nexgen
control panel interface. Finally Nexgen has support for plugins so that extra
features can be added.

 1. Make sure your server has been shut down.

 Warning :

  Make a copie of your Nexgen.ini because you must creat a new one for use this version because i
 have mad some changement on the rights.
 2. Lookup the admin password in your servers configuration file. You'll need it
    later to configure Nexgen.
 3. Copy the following files to the system folder of your UT server: NexgenCC.u
    and Nexgen112.u
 4. If your server is using redirect upload the NexgenCC.u.uz and Nexgen112.u.uz
    files to the redirect server.
 5. Open your servers configuration file and add the following server packages:
    Also add the following server actor:
 6. Save the changes to the configuration file and start the server. Note that
    the server controller will install itself automatically, so there is no ini
    file included with the Nexgen distribution.
 7. Start unreal and visit your server. If the installation was successful,
    Nexgen should now be running on your server.
 8. Now would be a good time to configure Nexgen. To do this open the control
    panel (say !open) and select admin login from the Client->Home tab. In the
    window that appears, enter your server administrator password (see step 2),
    and click on login.
 9. Once your password has been accepted a window will appear that tells you
    that your rights have been updated. Click the reconnect button to return to
    the server. Now you will have full access to all the tabs of the control
    panel. To configure your server goto the server tab and customize the
    settings to your preferences.

 1. Make sure your server has been shut down.
 2. Delete Nexgen1xx.u (where xx is the previous version of Nexgen) from your
    servers system folder and upload Nexgen112M.u to the same folder.
 3. If your server is using redirect you may wish to delete Nexgen1xx.u.uz if it
    is no longer used by other servers. Also upload Nexgen112.u.uz to the
    redirect server.
 4. Open Nexgen.ini or your servers configuration file if the Nexgen settings
    are stored there.
 5. Do a search and replace where the string "Nexgen1xx." should be replaced
    with "Nexgen112M." (without the quotes). Again the xx denotes the previous
    version of Nexgen that was installed on your server.
 6. If you upgrade from version 1.08 and below change the following setting
    This step is very important. If you forget to do so, all passwords on your
    server become unusable.
 7. If you have Nexgen.ini opened save the changes and close the file. Now open
    the servers configuration file.
 8. Goto the [Engine.GameEngine] section and edit the server package and
    server actor lines for Nexgen. They should look like this:
 9. Save changes to the servers configuration file and close it.
10. Restart your server.

Frensh :

Principales nouveaut馥s:
Version 112N  Version public.

Version 112M  (version priv・
correction Bug en mod tournoi avec UTPure lorsque l'admin force le jeu a demmarer sans
le nombre requis de joueurs. ( readyflag)

Version112L ( Recompil・pour compatibilit・avec NexgenPlus100L)

Version112K Version Public de Nexgen112J

Version112J ( version Priv・
Fix bug avec le kick for Match ( le joueur n'est plus banni forever a la fin du match)

Version112I (version Priv・
Time out 20 sec au lieu de 50

Version112H Version public de Nexgen112H

Version112G   ( Version priv・
le Admin message est de retour dans le pannel Moderateur.

Version112F ( Version Priv・
Le nom de l'admin qui a publier l' interdiction est visible pour les utilisateur Level7 ou RootAdmin
Les interdictions ne peuvent etre modifier que par l'admin qui l'as mise. ou etre modifier par un admin Level7 ou rout Admin
Kickmatch option  ( permet de kick un joueur jusqu' ・la fin du match
Dans la popup quand vous etes banni le nom de l'admin qui l'as publier sera afficher.
fonction AutoBan pour le WMessagehack ( pour plus d'info demander a Bob de DU)

un Grand Merci a Feralidragon du site Gopostal.com pour son aide pr馗ieuse.

Onglet Chatlog pour voir ce que les joueurs disent.(plus besion d' ouvrir la console si vous manquer un message)
Hud  couleur modifer pour le text et le Playerlocation pour plus de lisibilit馥.
PlayerLocation = Cyan
Text = Vert

Time out  50 sec au lien de 20
AccountType Max 30 au lieu de 10
Messages en Cyan au lieu de Orange.
Le Hud est maintenant compatible avec le setting de ut meme en MonsterHunt
Les message d' instruction du mod monsterhunt sont maintenant afficher normalement.


Public Release of Nexgen112M

Version112M ( Private)
Fixed bug on tournamentmod with UTPure  when the game is forced to start by an admin without the nomber
required of players.(readyflags)
added : New Right : Limited administrator ( you will need to create a new Nexgen.ini because the privilege
has been changed .
512 slots for ban instead 128.

Version112L ( only recompiling for compatibility with
NexgenPlus100L) Version112K Public Relase of Nexgen112J

Version112J (Private)

Fix bug with the kick for Match (the player is not banned any more
forever has the end of the match)

Version112I (Private)
Times-out 20 dryness instead of 50

Version112H ( public RELEASE OF V 112G)

Version112G (Private)
the Administrator message is of return in the Moderator panel

Version112F (Private)

The name of the administrator who has to issued the Ban is available for the user Level7 or RootAdmin
Bans can be to modify only by the administrator who have issued it or being to modify by a Level7 administrator or root Administrator
Kickmatch option (allows to kick a player until the end of the match
In the popup when you are banned the name of the administrator who issued it will be display.
AutoBan function for WMessagehack (for more information to ask has Bob of)

A big thanks for Feralidragon of the Gopostal.com site for his assistance.

Version112C (Private)

Chatlog Pannnel to see what the players say. (more more required to open the console if
you to miss a message)

Hud color modifer for the text and Playerlocation for more readable.

PlayerName = Team color
PlayerLocation = Cyan
Text = Green

Version112B ( Private)
Times-out 50 dryness with the bond of 20
AccountType max 30 instead of 10
Messages in Cyan instead of Orange.
Hud is now compatible with the setting of ut same in MonsterHunt mod
The message of instruction of the MOD monsterhunt are now to normally

Mutators & modifications / AdvSetGUI v0.1.3
« on: October 11, 2015, 07:54:13 PM »

Cheats / Animation Taunts Beta2
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:05:03 PM »
//                 LiquidKill's And (tHe)GoLd_PoPsIcLe Animation Taunts Beta2                 //

This is one of my fav mods to use...Especialy for TO most people will be tricked by your fake death....
Theres I think 18 different Taunts to pick from all work on UT but not all work on TO since this mod was originally made for UT....The deactivate button doesn't work we didn't code...

To install place both *.u and *.int file into your UT/System folder.

Then while in UT/To goto your mod menu select Animation Taunts then a window will pop up and jsut click on 1 of the buttons that simple.....


LK & (tHe)GoLd_PoPsIcLe Productions

Cheats / UTimer 1v0.001
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:01:53 PM »
UTimer 1v0.001 (c) 2002 Timmeh Lovebramble

Unreal Tournament is a popular online team game for the PC.

When playing team against team it is advantageous to have an extra man on
BattleCom/RojerWilco/TeamSpeak/etc timing powerups. This player gives his
team an edge as they can prepare for a powerup spawning to make the most
use out of it.

Since the clan has to be using a VoiceComms program, and an extra man is
needed for the timing, this program can be considered a semi-automatic
timing program.

As it does not interfere with the Unreal Tournament exe in any way, and it
does not take it's time triggers directly from the game itself, it is not
banned in organisations like clanbase.

* Can only support gametypes that have 2 teams

* Doesn't work when the desktop clock falls over from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00
  so don't use this program near midnight :) It does warn you if you try
  and start timing 30 minutes before midnight tho, so you should still have
  time for a 20minute game and 10mins overtime before it flips out

* Can only time a maximum of 17 PowerUps per map

* Only red + blue teams allowed

* Can only play one WAV at a time, so some cut others off at times.

* Times powerups, differentiating between friendly powerups, enemy powerups
  and shared (in the middle of a map) powerups. Warns uesr when item is about
  to spawn and when item actually has spawned.

* Displays Elapsed Time, Time To Go, Pause Time and any Overtime.

* Deals with the UT server being paused with out screwing up the timings.

* Calculates the number of times an item can spawn in a game of known length
  and counts these down at they are taken or time runs out.

* Customizable through INI file. Maps can be added or changed or removed.

* Any pickup can be added in the INI file for timing. (Time that goo-gun ammo
  to perfection you slotjockey!)

* Keeps timing into overtime.

* User-defined warning time limits flash yellow when an item is X seconds
  from respawning. Can play a custom .wav at this time too.

* Can play user-defined WAVs upon the following conditions:
  - Friendly Item about to spawn
  - Friendly Item spawned
  - Shared Item about to spawn
  - Shared Item spawned
  - Enemy Item about to spawn
  - Enemy Item spawned

* Auto loose-track-of feature allows user to set elapsed seconds after a
  PowerUp has spawned until the item is considered to be in an Unknown

* Clear and easy GUI

* Ghey colours

* Probably some bugs but I can't find any (except the clock roll-over thing)
  so praps some features that can be added or something

How To Use UTimer
OK you have your clan of 5 on the UT server for a CTF rumble against some
enemy. You're the 6th man on VoiceComms who is doing the timing. This is
what you need to do.

* First load the program :) and get on your VoiceComms program too.

* Set the Map Name to what you're playing.

* Set the Team Colour to what your team is on the server.

* Set the game-length. Usually 20 minutes, but sometimes different.

* The Lock On/Lock Off disables/enabled the reminder times scrollers and
  auto-loose-track scroller. (just so you can't click on something by accident)

* The AutoLooseTrack value is the time after an item has spawned that it
  automatically enters an UNKNOWN state.
  Eg: If the AutoLooseTrack value is 20 seconds, then if an item spawns and
      isn't taken within 20 seconds, the item automagically changes to the
      UNKNOWN state as it is likely it's been picked up already and you've just
      lost track of it's timing info. If you set this value to 0 then you never
      AutoLooseTrack. You can only set this value providing the front panel
      has the Lock Off. This has the same effect as pressing an [X] button
      on the front panel automatically after 20 seconds.

You are now ready to be the timer man.  You click start when the UT game on
the server starts.

Now all you have to do is listen on your VoiceComms to what your team are
saying. When they tell you they've taken their Shield Belt, hit the "Our
Shield Belt" taken button. This will start the timer for that item.

When the shield belt is about to spawn (say in 12 seconds) the text will go
yellow and a custom .wav played to warn you the item is about to spawn. This
is when you should warn your team ("Shield belt spawns in 10 seconds") so they
can get ready for it. (2 seconds to say it)

When the shield belt has spawned the text will go green and a different custom
.wav played to warn you the item has spawned. The 'taken' button will be
clickable again, so when your teammate picks the item up he tells you and off
you time again :)

Now for what's under the START button.

From left to right

* the [X] button will tag that item as in an UNKNOWN state, ie: you don't know who
  last took it and when. Enemy powerups will mostly be in this state unless your
  teammate on the server is fortunate to get the item and let you know - then it's
  back under your timer control!

  HINT: At the start of a game the enemy items will also be taken quickly, so you
  can sort of time then by guessing 2 seconds into the game most of the goodies will
  already have been taken, so click the Enemy's ".. taken" buttons.

* The next column indicates ownership. Ie: Friendly or enemy or shared PowerUp. The
  colour of the text represents your team colour. Your team colour will always be
  at the top, and the enemy powerups always at the bottom if you select your colour
  to match that on the server.

* The column after that is the Item Name. ("Armour", "Damage Amp", etc)

* And the next column is the PowerUp status (Available/Unknown/Time Left To Respawn)
  When the game hasn't started this field shows the respawn time of that item.

* The number in () is the number of times in the game-length that that item
  will respawn.
  Eg: ShieldBelt respawn time is 55s, so in a 1 minute game this value will
      be (2) as the SB can only spawn twice within a 1-minute game.

* Next there is the warning timer gauge. This is the time before respawn that
  the program will warn you that the powerup is about to spawn. (and play the
  corresponding WAV) You can set this warning time to what you want (no larger
  than the item's repsawn time tho), providing the front panel has the Lock Off.

  Eg: If you set it to 12 then 12 seconds before that item is about to respawn,
      the text background will go yellow to warn you and a WAV palyed
      When the item has spawned the background will go green for go and a different
      WAV played.

* Lastly there is the "Our Shield Belt taken" button, etc, which you click when
  you hear on VoiceComms that the item has been taken.

And that's it


This is only for the most l337 n3rdz out there, cuz you have to use notepad!

Open up UTimer.ini with notepad.

The first lines should be like:

[WAV Paths]

If you have a cool wav (short beep wavs are best, from star wars!) then you can
use it by pointing these entries to the wav to play them. If you can't figure
this out, you're not nerdy enough so go whack off in your dads toolshed to make
yourself feel good.

The reason this part isn't GUIized is that it would mean i'd have to bundle
an .ocx with this program to make sure everyone could run it, and that's
ghey. So i didn't make a nice GUI WAV selecter so you have to nerdy it.

If you don't want sounds then don't make an entry in the INI file, eg:

This entry:

tells the timer what the default loose-track time is. It is loaded up on program
start and set then. You can change it if you want. Remember setting it to 0 disables
this option.

This entry:

[Map Details]

tells the timer how many maps worth of data it's loading in. If you're adding
or removing maps then don't forget to change this value accordingly otherwise
they will either not load in, or some mad shit will get loaded in instead. And
you don't want that, believe me. Map numbers are stored like [Map 02] and
always starts at [Map 01] (NOT [Map 00])

This is how a map is stored in the INI file.
Let's look at an example. That fuckmap CTF-Orbital will do nicely.

[Map 10]
Item0=0,Redeemer, 55, 12
Item1=0,Shield Belt, 55, 12
Item2=1,Damage Amp, 109, 12, 12
Item3=1,Armour, 45, 12, 12
Item4=1,Jump Boots, 27.5, 12, 12
Item5=2,Damage Amp, 109, 12, 12
Item6=2,Armour, 27.5, 12, 12
Item7=2,Jump Boots, 45, 12, 12

* [Map 10] = the tenth map. Make sure all maps are uniquely numbered and the NumberOfMaps
             value is set accordingly.

* MapName - can you guess what this is for? Oh go on, give it a go. It's the Map Name what
  appears in that pulldown menu thingy for map selection.

* NumberOfPowerUps is, wait, can you try and guess? Yes! It's the number of items we're
  timing on this map. If it is set to 8, then the software will look for Item0 to Item7
  (8 items) - so if you're adding or removing powerups remember to make sure this number
  is set correctly

* Item5=2,Damage Amp, 109, 12, 12


  - Item0 is the 0th Item. The next item must be Item1, then Item2, etc. These must be in
    order. You can only have a max of 17 items per map.

  - <TEAM OWNERSHIP> is the Team Ownership. 0 = Powerup in middle of map, 1 = blue, 2 = red
    Maps like Dreary have one amp only on one side of the map, so make sure you set this
    value correctly!

  - <NAME> is the name of the item (duh)

  - <RESPAWN TIME> is how long it takes for the item to respawn (in seconds)

  - <REMINDER TIME FRIENDLY> and <REMINDER TIME ENEMY> let you set different times depending if
    the power up is yours or the enemys. (You might want a longer warning time for enemy PUs as
    they are further away to get to.)

    <REMINDER TIME FRIENDLY> is how long before the item is due to respawn the user gets
    reminded (=12 means 12 seconds before the item spawns the colours will go yellow and the wav
    played) - for when this item is a friendly powerup

    <REMINDER TIME ENEMY> is how long before the item is due to respawn the user gets
    reminded (=17 means 17 seconds before the item spawns the colours will go yellow and the wav
    played) - for when this item is an enemy powerup

    NOTE: for PowerUps that have <TEAM OWNERSHIP> set to 0 (Powerup in middle of map) you don't
          need to set the <REMINDER TIME ENEMY> time as these powerups are considered to belong
          to both teams.

Let's add a DM Map. Paste this into the bottom of the INI file

[Map 13]
Item0=0,Shield Belt, 55, 12
Item1=0,Armour, 27.5, 12
Item2=0,Damage Amp, 109, 12
Item3=0,Thigh Pads, 27.5, 12

and change

[Map Details]

and save the INI
Now when you run UTimer you are set to time powerups when playing TDM.
Note that all Items in TDM are considered shared, so <TEAM OWNERSHIP> is always 0
and there is only one warning time, ie: NO <REMINDER TIME ENEMY>

* NOTE * If you make any changes to the INI file then you have to close the program down
         and restart it for any changes to be loaded.

Unreal Tournament spawn times can be found here:

It's all pretty logical, so you should be able to make your own map details easy.

Although this was programmed with UT in mind, there's no reason why it can't be used with
other games too :)

Calls kernel32.dll (INI file routines) and WinMM.dll (WAV playing routine)

Think that's about it. Hope you like this FreeWare timer. No waranties are made, so if it
gets your toaster pregnant that's your tough titty. Deal with it bubba.

mail me if you like it with some funny shit. otherwise give me suggestions and stuff.

Timmeh Lovebramble


General Discussion / Is there a cheat like noname for this game?
« on: September 30, 2015, 07:41:42 PM »
With these features:

  • Autoaim (Auto, On press)
  • Shock Combo Aim (Auto, On press)
  • MonsterHunt Aim (Auto, On press)
  • WarShell Aim (Auto, On press)
  • AutoFire
  • AimAngle
  • AimPosition
  • AimSpeed
  • Ping Correction
  • Bullet Speed Correction
  • Muzzle Correction
  • TriggerBot (Auto, On press, Firendly fire)
  • 3D Radar (Name, Weapon)
  • 2D Radar (Scale)
  • SkinHack

General Discussion / Does anyone have the HeioS-Hook Source Code?
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:23:08 PM »
I would really like the project source. Since this hack is detected maybe I can have the source?

I already have one hook source for UTD-Hook (Don't ask me to upload it! Because the answer is NO!). But I now need the HelioS-Hook 1.0>4.4 source. Preferably HelioS-Hook-4.4!

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