///////////////////////////////////////////////// L2F presents //////////////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////////////////// Raretbot ////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////////////// by Raredaredevil //////////////////////////////////////////////
raretbot is nobots bot with some stuff added heres a list
Support for zellius cracks
admin detection
freinds list
random name changer
much code is robbed some is borrowed hardly any is invented
PLEASE NOTE- this bot is only good on zp or if u have a low ping I tried ping tweaks all night but ive got pissed off
with it so i included the source code in a hope that someone will add it (ill do it eventually but i wanna do some AOT work)
my thoughts cheatspeak
alot of you know i got into all kinds of shit at cheatspeak i publically apologise to elf clan and anyone else i offended
during my little rampage none of the shit was true elf are good mods zellius was never banned just wanted to clear that up.
me (raredaredevil / killemall) - threw the damn thing together tried loads of ping tweak shit it didnt go very well
triggerbot - nobot
name changer / freinds list - zellius
admin detection -
) (dont ask me thats his cheatspeak name)
installation place all fles called Raretbot in your ut system ( c:\unrealtournament\system\ )
open the raretbot.ini to configure it
btracerbot= dosent do anything yet
Freindname1= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname2= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname3= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname4= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname5= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname6= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname7= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname8= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname9= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
Freindname10= add a freinds name here and it want shoot them
bzptracerbot=True true = bot on false = off
brandomName=False true = change name randomly false = dont
bdisconnectonadminlogin true will quit when admin logs in false will not
were back up!!!!
rX - new coder doing well reminds me of myself when i first started hes hooked on coding
Play2win - geting better at coding everyday
josey - im not sure if hes still in L2F to be honest i aint seen hm for ages
wanna join L2F?
come to irc.dal.net #uthacks
u must be able to script and give us a sample of your scripting (a offline hack will do its the scripting i look at not
what it works on.
wana chat or play me (if u wanna play me ur one crazy mofo)
come to (