Unreal Tournament > General Discussion

Lets make a ACE Mod Menu Bypass)))

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I want to use dodgebot and other tweaks in ACE Server)

was wondering if this is possible? Lien?



Dodgebot and Tweaks are bypassing ACE.
Dodgebot is detected by ASH400 or with installed nododge mutator on server.
Tweaks are protekted by UTpure.

When UTpure and ASH400 is not installed on server u can use dodgebot and Tweaks.

Greetz Alien

ok ty


i was just wondering because some ace servers i cant use modmenu lol.

The most mod menu are detected by ACE thats right. But the rooki dodgebot mod is bypassing ACE. only detected by ASH400 and Nododgemutator. You need a hacked ASH400 and a hacked nododge than rooki is also working. When u will use Tweaks, not loading with a mod. You must write tweaks as a ini.file and load it with the exec command in your console before u join a server. Be carefull when Pure is installed it also not working.
For example

set levelinfo ambientbrightness 64
set levelinfo ambientsaturation 254
set zoneinfo  ambientbrightness 64
set zoneinfo  ambientsaturation 255
set waterzone ambientbrightness 64
set waterzone ambientsaturation 255

This makes no darkness in the game. ;)

Greetz Alien

I thought that was a good idea.


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